
Thanks for dropping by! 

Here’s  “Over the rainbow and under the stars” for you to print and colour in.  

At school visits and workshops, the children and I talk about whether it’s more fun to try and be “perfect” or to “go with the flow” and enjoy what you are doing.

The question is 

What feels better; getting cross with yourself if you don’t get it “right” or doing the best you can?  

Personally, I think, you don’t always have to stay within the lines!



HINT: Click on the image first!  

If you’d like your drawing to be featured on the website, please email it to me with your name and a short message at lubna@thebutterflystories.com.

Every month or so (starting in January 2013), I’ll put a selection of drawings up online! 

How does that sound?

I hope you have fun! You can let me know by leaving a message. I’d love to hear from you! 

… and, please tell your friends!  

Butterfly Love







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